Souq Al Jannah is the most awaited day of the month and students look forward to it with a lot of excitement. This system will help them get into the habit of doing good deeds insh’allah.
Only the BEst
We Know How to Make Learning Fun For Kids
To encourage our students to learn and make our Qur’an program fun, we have developed a points system to reward the students. At the end of the month, the students will be able to spend their points for wonderful prizes at Souq Al Jannah (Market of Jannah). the following are ways to attain points:
● Compete the Salah Chart
● Bring notes to school with parent’s signature when you do something good or please your parents (ex: clean your room, wash the dishes, behave nicely to your siblings, pray Dhuhr and Asr jama’a, etc.)
● Be on time to class
● Good behavior in class
● Dress modestly
● Be prepared to recite
● Finish lessons on time