Iqraa School


How It Works

Tuition for each session or program varies. Fees are due the 1st of each month. To avoid late fees, please make the payment on or before the 10th of each month. Payment is accepted online only. Automatic payment is also available. To sign up for this, please check the box “save my card with Iqraa” while paying the invoice. For financial assistance and all other inquiries, please email us at the address below.

Mail For Inquiry



Sessions A & B

Evening school tuition for sessions A & B is $200 per child, $300 for 2 kids and $400 for families enrolling 3 or more kids. For the first month of the academic year there is a registration fee of $25/child enrolled.

Summer School

Summer school tuition fee is $200 for one child, $350 for 2 kids and $500 for families enrolling 3 or more kids.  A one time registration fee of $50/student is applicable.

Full-Time Hifths

Full-time Hifths tuition is $250/student. A one time registration fee of $50/student is applicable.